On a personal note: my current supplements and why

I took clean 100% whey isolate all summer, and tried various pre-workouts attempting to find a regular purchase for my winter bulk, and now I have officially stocked up on both protein and pre-workout.

All of my current supplements for the winter months
All of my current supplements for the winter months

Instead of going with an all out mass gainer like I have in the past, I decided to let my workouts and diet determine my increases, and chose Cytosport’s Muscle Milk as my protein for the winter. This product has the benefit of being nutritionally complex while not containing over 500 calories. With 19 grams of healthy fat, 14 active carbs(only 5 grams of sugar too), and 32 grams of protein per two scoops, its clear to see why this particular formula was a clear choice as a winter bulk supplement.

the amino acid profile of Muscle Milk
the amino acid profile of Muscle Milk

For my pre-workout, I made the easy choice of MusclePharm’s Assault, a powerful thermogenic supplement perfect for the workout sets involved with bulking. Assault only includes two grams of sugar, lessening the glycemic impact and thus the threat of the dreaded sugar crash. What makes this formula so potent is the mixture of niacin(Vitamin B3), a patented blend of beta-alanine, and the substitution of MusclePharm’s PURENERGY ingredient, Pterostilbene-Caffeine, for standard caffeine. The most important thing to take away from that is the caffeine substitute included prevents the horrific caffeine crash that can be experience when taking supplements such as BSN’s N.O.-Xplode pre-workout. The only consideration that should be taken with Assault is to drink at least a gallon of water a day. The reason for this exceptional hydration is what is called ‘niacin flush’, which is harmless redness and itchiness of the face and neck, and at times the arms. This only lasts a short amount of time, but it is disconcerting and uncomfortable, so make sure you drink water if you’re thinking about taking this supplement.

Finally, in addition to the two basic supplements listed above, I will also be taking a standard GNC brand 100% casein protein supplement once a day before bed to refuel my muscles overnight. This is the intended purpose of casein powders due to the prolonged absorption of this particular protein. On a side note, if you don’t want to spend the money on Casein, cottage cheese is said to be a good alternative right before bed. The last, but certainly not least, supplement I will be taking is a multivitamin. Many of you might think this is basic and unnecessary to mention, but believe me, the benefits of a multivitamin are more than can be put into words. Your entire physicality and disposition will be benefited by them, so don’t pass on multivitamins.

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